Call for Member Nominations for SPT Board Members and VP/President-Elect

Deadline: March 7, 2023

Attention, all SPT members! Have you ever considered running for the SPT Board? With several positions to be filled on the Board, including three Members-at-Large and the position of Vice-President/President-Elect, now is a great opportunity to become more actively involved in the Society.

The Nominations Committee invites SPT members to self-nominate or nominate another SPT member for one of these positions. Members of the SPT board serve for a term of four years, beginning in June 2023. The Vice-President/President-Elect will begin also in June 2023 and will serve in this capacity until the next SPT meeting in 2025, at which time they will begin their two-year term as President. Past Presidents remain on the SPT Board for one additional year after their term as President ends.

We have the following open positions:

Three Member-at-Large positions (June 2023-June 2027).

Vice-President/President-Elect (June 2023-June 2028).

Members of the SPT board are actively involved in developing the Society and ensuring it serves its members. The President guides the Society in this development, all in accordance with the Society’s Bylaws. The Board meets on average 8 times a year and expects members to attend these meetings. The Board’s responsibilities include the creation and management of various activities including the biennial conference, support of its journal Techné, website, repositories of scholarly and educational material, and communication with members.

Nominations and Self-Nominations should be sent to All nominees must be dues-paying members of the Society in good standing to stand for election.

If nominating yourself, please indicate:

1. Whether you wish to nominate yourself for the position of Vice-President/President-Elect, for Member-at-Large, or for both;

2. If nominating yourself for Member-at-Large, include a short bio (no more than 200 words) to appear on the ballot.

3. If nominating yourself for Vice-President/President-Elect, include a short bio (no more than 200 words) for the ballot, and an additional short statement of purpose and vision for the Society (also no more than 200 words).

If nominating someone else, please indicate:

1. Name and e-mail address of the individual you are nominating.

2. Whether you are nominating them for Vice-President/President-Elect, Member-at-Large, or both.

3. Members nominated by others will be contacted by the Nominating Committee to confirm their interest in being on the ballot, and all nominees who agree to stand for election will be invited by the Nominating Committee to submit a bio for the ballot.

4. All nominees for Vice-President/President-Elect will be invited to submit an additional short statement of purpose and vision for the Society.

We anticipate the election ballot will be sent electronically in late March. To allow time to prepare the ballot, kindly send in your nomination(s) no later than March 7, 2023.

Thank you in advance for your contributions to our Society’s future governance.

Collegially yours,

SPT Nominations Committee

– Pieter Vermaas, chair (SPT Past President)

– Robert Rosenberger (Vice-President/President-Elect)

– Glen Miller (SPT Secretary)